
Saturday, January 8, 2011

Living with Love

With every sentence I type, I pass my words through a "filter" of how I think you'll react.  So, creating something that translates into an emotion so well that it can reach the "quick" of another person is meaningful.  The foundation of writing is honesty.  Therein lies the paradox of writing - remaining true to your feelings within the boundaries of the reader's tastes.  In life, we adapt our behavior to the people and situations we encounter which is writing often tells us so much more about who we are.  Living with love, unconditional love, is an unlimited way of being. Each of us is without any limit to our thoughts and feelings.

The most powerful energy we possess is unconditional love.  It starts with loving yourself.  If you can't love yourself, then how do you truly know what love is?  There is only your journey toward loving yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually that you, alone, can travel in order to share it with everything and everyone around you.

We read in the news of terrible events that occur every day.  We pray for peace amongst our nations and within our own country.  So, let us all be reminded that true peace is found when we are at peace within...create your own peace, become peace.

Living with love is both an action and a feeling.  Every person is capable of great love (the opposite being fear) which generates painful emotions.  There are so many different ways to define love and different ways to love someone (yes, even yourself!).

Say It Out Loud!  It may be difficult for some, but to say the words "I love you" carry the desire to show someone that you really do love them. It may be hard to understand this, but saying "I love you" is sometimes said as a question begging a reply of the same.  Saying "I love you" is never a question, but always the expression of a truly felt emotion.

Love Unconditionally, always.  Stipulations attached to love is simply not love.

Understanding Love can be lost.  To understand that you can lose the one you love, means a greater appreciation of what you have. Don't make an idol out of the person you love as this places them under undue pressure and can result in losing them.  Never stop loving...even if you've been hurt, don't stop giving love.  Remember, there is no failure in love and the ability to show love means you have already succeeded in love.

There is vulnerability in love and I think we have all at one point or another in our lives wavered on the question of whether true love really exists.  Sometimes, we confuse the sum of physical attraction and a strong fondness for another's personality and a desire to be in the security of a relationship as love.  I have learned that true love requires one ingredient more powerful than any of the sum of attractions which is vulnerability.  The "defenses" we hold up against the outside world that seem to "protect us", like holding in emotions or projecting a self confidence greater than what really is felt is actually limiting you in relationships.   Herein lies the trust factor, because once you truly trust another person enough to love you unconditionally, you can start to let down those defenses that keep you from truly experiencing love.

Keeping your marriage intact is vitally living with love.  That one connection with another human grows and is nourished by love and keeps growing to different dimensions, deeper and more intimate which makes us call another our "soul mate". There are endless lyrics to songs and poems with the coined phrase "falling in love".  I wonder if it's really falling that's taking place or whether it's just the release of inhibitions over time as love deepens that we find ourselves (sometimes without realizing it) that we're in a place with love.

Are you ready to start living with love?  The power of love is held within each and every one of us at every moment and there to give..and receive.

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