
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Reclaim Your Self Worth

Have you ever wondered if you've settled for less in your life...remember a time when you used to dream that something bigger, more grand was possible?  Not only possible, but you knew for certain it would happen?

Then something happened.....

You had to be practical.

Practical isn't a bad thing..practical is every day life, raising children, holding a job, sometimes practical is grocery shopping, laundry and dishes.  Then you ask yourself....are my heart and mind working together?  Are the dreams I once had coming alive?  Am I just sleepwalking through life?  

Some would say...welcome to adulthood.  This is what it's like to be a grown-up.   It's called work for a reason!

Okay, these are all fine and dandy...very applicable in modern day times and that of our parents.  Now, just for a minute (humor me), ask yourself where your passion lies.  Somewhere between buying diapers and attending parent teacher conferences we settled for "practical" instead of pursuing our passion.

It's never too late to come alive.

It's never too late to reinvent yourself.

It's never too late to find your passion.

So what's stopping you?

Maybe the better question is where to start?  What holds us back from pursuing the real passion in our lives?

Not knowing what will happen if you fail...(yes, this is very true!)
Being afraid to go for what you want (isn't fear a good thing?)
Lack of belief in yourself (time to start believing in you, again)
Fear of being wrong (just reminds us we're alive)
Yes....sometimes even fear of success (what?????'s true!)

Let's say you know what your dreams are, you just don't know how to go about getting there.  You don't know how to make them a reality instead of a fantasy.

I'll share a little secret with one knows how to make their desires real prior to taking the first step.  Knowing comes from doing!  Paths are made by walking.  The first step down a different have to stop caring about NOT knowing!  Change your reality.  Instead of letting "I don't know" keep you from moving forward...start saying "I will figure it out."

Change is inevitable in our journey through life and change is uncomfortable....the familiar patterns in our lives become practical living and..yes, safe.   It's important to value yourself as a person.  Value your skills, your passion, your desires.  Once you value yourself or learn how to value yourself something unique starts to happen.

You become more engaged in your own life
A more confident "you" starts to emerge.
People sit up and take notice of this new "you".
You become more attractive, vibrant and more importantly, engaged in your own life.

No matter what kind of mud life slings your way, stop being a victim in your own life.  The only behavior we can affect or change is our own.  Each of us responds to a situation in our own way, and our reaction to the situation defines who we are.  Be determined to get up every day and face life.  Stop blaming others for your own defeat and make your own opportunities.  From a very early age we have all had hopes and dreams for our lives.  Give yourself the freedom to remember your dreams and aspirations and start imagining what it is you really want to do.

If you've always dreamed of being a writer, start writing.  If you've always dreamed of owning your own catering service, start cooking.  If you've always had the ability to make unique crafts, start making them.  Technology today provides vast opportunities for marketing your unique skills and passion for life.  

It's never too late to take a class, start working on a career change (even in a tough economy), and working toward your passion in life.  There is never failure in an attempt to better yourself.  The only failure is never trying.   Self improvement means something different to each and every one of us.  None of us think alike.  If you have a goal or a dream, the only way to create it is to take action toward it and not to give up until you attain it ..if that's what you decide to do.  If you don't see it as a possibility it will never happen. 

Destiny is created by our thoughts and actions...we are free to think and act as we wish at all times.   Stop using the excuses of daily life practicalities that have gotten in your own way.    You can still raise a family and pursue your own fact, they will benefit from watching you, as the parent, for taking charge of your own life and passions which is one of the most important lifeskills our children can learn.

Reclaiming your self-worth and starting to value yourself as a person is the first step to a more confident YOU.  Becoming actively engaged in your own life is a challenge especially after years of training to focus on the more practical (yet necessary) daily living responsibilities.  It is possible to attain your dreams and passions at any age...start believing in you for a change.

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